Thursday, December 11, 2014

Divided Country

   In response to Kisha's post concerning legalizing same sex marriage in all states, I am completely in favor of it. How is it possible we can legalize gay marriage in only 35 states, but restricting it in the remaining 15 states that our apart of our country? Granting 70% of America with 'more' liberty, not only divides our country of certain rights but also contradicts everything we stand for. Were ONE nation, not two, or three.

  Growing up in the land of the 'American Dream' I was constantly made aware of how fortunate I was to have the freedom and opportunities that I do. The greatest part of it all, every single American was privileged to the same rights as I. That was the American Dream, a country filled equal opportunity, liberty, and freedom for every citizen. Not just the majority. Every American should be entitled to equal rights, there for same sex marriage should be treated the same. In order to be fair same sex marriage needs to be legal in every state, or illegal in every state; not 70/30. In my opinion I'd go with what the majority of the country is already in favor off, equal marriage rights.

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