Friday, September 19, 2014

Closer look at gun control

     Gun control has become a reoccurring issue over years past. The great debate of the right actions to take to decrease the rate of gun related violence's, including murders, suicides and unintentional shootings are still on going. A recent article from CBS News stated while some states gun deaths are decreasing like, Arizona, Illinois, California, Maryland, Nevada, New York and North Carolina; other states are seeing an increase. States who's gun related deaths did increase, like Florida and Massachusetts studies found the deaths targeted more whites, and non Hispanics then any other race.

    Race and ethnicity play a major role in gun related deaths, seeings at the national rate of deaths from guns was twice as high among black people then white. The District of Columbia had the highest rate of gun deaths with averaging about 22 per 100,000 citizens. That is almost 7 times as much as Hawaii which holds place for the least amount of gun deaths in the nation. Roughly 3 per 100,000 citizens.

   Would more strict laws against gun restrictions prevent this? In 1998 Massachusetts took that approach, gun ownership rates dropped significantly, but violent crimes and murders only increased. The states surrounding weak fire alarm laws maybe partly to blame. There has been suggestions made to strengthen interstate boarder controls to prevent the transport of guns, and possibly curb the violence of guns. We can come up with a solution over night, but the first step to solving a problem is recognizing one and gun control is a major one.

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